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Only about 25% of the operating budget for the AMF comes from concert ticket sales. Generous donors from the community keep our doors open and allow AMF to continue to provide free admission to students and military personnel.


Contribution Levels & Benefits












4 single concert tickets for friends

Invitations to Special Events

2 single concert tickets for friends

Invitations to Special Events

Invitations to Special Events

Invitations to Special Events

Invitations to Special Events


Leave a Legacy of Music

In 2024, the AMF gratefully received a bequest from the Hugh Cullman Trust. This bequest will help AMF remain a strong organization well into the future, assisting us in realizing current and future concert and education goals and we hope it will be a lead donation of a formal planned giving program (which we plan to initiate during the 2024-2025 music season.)

If you wish to “Leave a Legacy of Music for the Crystal Coast” of NC, please consider designating AMF as a beneficiary in your will or other financial instruments. 

For more information, contact Wouter Ketel, Treasurer, at the link below:


Spread The Word

Truly, word of mouth is the best way to let everyone know about AMF. Tell your friends, follow us on Facebook and share our posts, then tell your friends again. It really makes a huge impact.


Like being an usher? Are you great with computers? Are you a fantastic party host? How about hosting some of our visiting artists overnight? Do you own a beach house or Airbnb that you can provide to us to house our visiting artists for a few days?  Other ways you can help? Let us know! Just reach out to us via the link below:


Thank you to the Season Subscribers, Individual Donors, Grant Organizations and Business Sponsors who all came together to keep the music playing!

Individual & Organizational Donors

Benefactors | $1,000 +


Charles &  Wendy Boss

Mary T. Forrest

Craig & Dena Gooding

Leonard & Sarah Jo Safrit

Kirsten L. Boyd-Sullivan

Underwriters | $200 - $499

Mark Brennesholtz

Bet Isbell Cooper

Michael Dykstra & Shelley Ching

Mary Sue Hamann

Ronald N. Montaperto

William Prentice

Carol Reigle

Donors | $50 - $99

Steve & Leila Goodwin

Michael McGinn

Sharon W. Miller

Joe Paul & Eileen Scott

Pat Rapaport

Concert Sponsors | $500 - $999

David & Allison DuBuisson

Jim & Kathy Nelson

Serendipity II Fund of the

Hawaii Communtiy Foundation

Douglas & Nancy Vaughan

Gordon and Katharyn Thayer

Patrons | $100 - $199

Dolores Dricks

Wouter Ketel & Kathy Day-Ketel

Diane Meelheim

Jane Parnell

Allison Pasquesi

Susan Schmidt


Arts Council of Carteret County

Cultural Voice of North Carolina (CVNC)

Cynthia Meyer

Gaye Mashburn

Barbara McKenzie & Jay Tervo

Pat Marriott

Public Radio East

Granting Organizations & Partners

Business Sponsors

Our business sponsors help make our programs possible. Please honor them with your business, and when you do, please mention the American Music Festival.

Concert Sponsor


2 Sponsorship Opportunities Available

Season Sponsor


4 Sponsorship Opportunities Available

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